Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving Thanks

Even though Thanksgiving already came and went (and it was a memorable one this year!), I still feel like I'm in a state of thankfulness. Moving to San Francisco was a big decision and one that was full of a lot of unknowns. We had no place to live, I didn't have a job, and we knew very few people in the city. On top of that, it was several thousands of miles from the people we loved and cared for most.

But as I reflect on the past months of living here I can point to so many gifts of grace.

  • Finding a small space to call our own (in a great neighborhood and in our budget);  
  • Being apart of the Newbigin Fellowship where we've had the chance to learn, ask questions, and grow in our understanding of God and ourselves;
  • Being given an opportunity to work with some great people at a new and unexpected job;
  • Entering into a Church community with a heart for seeing the city renewed;
  • Skyler was given an opportunity to work on a product that reaches a billion people;
  • We were given two weeks to explore the city and surrounding areas (Carmel, Big Sur, Monterey,  Mt.  Tamalpais, and Bolinas) 
  • Time with dear friends and new friends in Tahoe.

As the Advent season begins my current posture of giving thanks has really increased my longings for Christ to be more present in my life. I am so excited about Advent that it's constantly been on my mind. I hope that despite the busyness of December I will be able to find a quiet space in my mind and life to focus on what really matters this season. I hope you will too.

This is the closest thing you will get to a Christmas card. So I hope you enjoy it!